Egusi soup is a delicious and nutritious option that can be consumed as a starter or a light meal. Its high water content, vitamins, antioxidants, low-calorie nature, and various other nutritional benefits make it an excellent choice for overall wellness.
1. Old Egusi rises more than new Egusi. So take note of this whenever you’re preparing the soup.
2. It is okay to use fresh tomatoes for making egusi soup, if you choose. It is used to brighten the colour of the soup and add more unique taste to it.
3. Pan roasting your Egusi seeds before grinding and using them to cook your soup, gives the soup an excellent taste. This is best done, if you are not going to fry the egusi soup.
4. Fry or cook your egusi soup on medium to low heat, in order to avoid burning of the soup.
5. It takes about 20 – 30 minutes to cook egusi soup properly, or else, the soup will not taste well.
6. When you are using frying method to cook Egusi soup, make sure you fry your onion and fermented locust beans (ogiri, Iru or dawadawa) together, so that the flavour of the locust beans can be released inside the oil. Fermented locust beans adds traditional taste to your egusi soup.
7. Frying washed bitter leaf when cooking your Egusi soup will give you a sweet bitter taste.
8. If you are using bitter leaf to cook your Egusi soup, add it a bit earlier because it is a tough vegetable.
9. When the meat stock is exhausted and you feel that the egusi soup is still too thick, you can start adding hot water until you get the consistency of your choice.
10. When you notice that the palm oil has separated from the egusi and has come at the surface of the soup, know that your soup is ready.
11. Just like ogbono soup, you have to be careful when seasoning your egusi soup. It is quite sweet and can get salty easily.
12. You can use any protein (meat or fish) of your choice to cook this delicious soup recipe. The soup doesn’t select proteins.
Egusi soup can be served with any swallow of choice. I prefer fufu to others