How to Make Soy Milk( Soya Milk): Recipe, Preparation, Nutritional Benefits and More
How to Make Soy Milk( Soya Milk): Recipe, Preparation, Nutritional Benefits and More

Soy milk also known as Soya milk or By is a plant-based milk alternative made from soybeans and water. It’s a popular choice for those looking for a dairy-free or vegan diet.
3.Sugar or honey
4.Dubino (date)
6.Powder milk (optional)I love adding it after chilling.
1. Blender or food processor
2. Cheesecloth or a nut milk bag
3. Large bowl or pitcher
4. Saucepan
5. Stove or cooktop
6. Strainer
7. Storage containers.
STEP 1: Soak the soyabean in the water over night in order to make it soft and easy to wash of skin.
Step 2: Remove the outer skin from the soyabean seed and wash it thoroughly to avoid dirt.
Note: Wash it like the way you wash off your beans for moi moi.
Step 3: Using a blender or food processor, blend together the soyabean seed, dubino (date) and ginger. Add water while blending to make it blend smoothly.
Note: This depends on the quantity you’re preparing. Add 3 cups of fresh water for one cup of dried soyabean and blend until you get a smooth mixture.
Step 4: Using a Muslin cloth or Cheesecloth, separate the chaf from the soya milk. Sieve until only the chaff or residue is left on the cloth. What is left in the cloth or bag is known as okara. it can be discarded or used in other recipes.
Step 5:Gather the ends of the Muslin cloth and twist it to extract the remaining soy milk. Continue squeezing until all the liquid has been extracted.
Step 6: When you’re done sieving, transfer the soy milk to the a clean pot. Heat it on a low heat on a stove or cooktop for about 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to let it boil, as it may curdle.
Note: When it starts boiling, reduce the heat and stir occasionally to avoid spilling over the pot.
Step 7: If you prefer a smoother texture, you can strain/sieve the heated soy milk again through a fine-mesh strainer to remove any solids that might have formed during heating
Step 8: Add sweeteners such as sugar, honey to taste. Stir well to dissolve. This is optional though.
Note: Remember dubino (date) contains natural sugar itself, so know how you put sugar or honey to avoid sugary soya milk.
Step 9: Allow the soy milk to cool down to room temperature. Then transfer it into airtight containers or bottles for storage. It can be refrigerated and should be consumed within 3-4 days.
Step 10: Enjoy with any snacks if your choice.
Nutritional Benefits of Soy Milk (Soya Milk)
1. Soy Milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.
2. It lower in calories and saturated fat compared to dairy milk.
3. It contains fiber, potassium, and other essential minerals.
4. It helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk.
5. May alleviate menopausal symptoms due to isoflavones.
6. May support bone health due to calcium and vitamin D content.
7. It is beneficial for those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies