50 Essential Kitchen Tips And Tricks: Everything You Need To Know
50 Essential Kitchen Tips And Tricks: Everything You Need To Know

Below are 50 essential kitchen tips and tricks that can help you upgrade your cooking skills and up your game towards making kitchen magic.
1. To prevent your spaghetti from sticking together while cooking, add a little oil during parboiling and stir. This will make it come out good.
2. While making a party jellof rice and you notice that some are done while some still strong, use cabbage leaves to cover the top of the rice and cover your pot; in few minutes all of your rice will be tender and well cooked.
3. If you don’t have crayfish to cook your beans, use enough onions (3 to 5 bulbs of onion), you can slice some of them and blend the rest to cook your beans and still get an irresistible taste.
4. Whenever you want to bleach your red oil and you are scared of that irritating smoke and smell, drop one big pepper inside and until the oil bleaches you won’t be disturbing.
5. Do not waste your gas/kerosene again, trying to drain the water from fresh tomatoes after blending them. After blending the tomatoes, pour it in a pap sieve bag/muslin bag, this kitchen tips allow the water to remove itself or squeeze it if you are in a hurry and then boil it.
6. Add little salt when boiling egg, it will protect the shell from crack and it will come out nice.
7. If you mistakenly add too much pepper in your food, you can use red oil to reduce the hotness of the pepper.
8. To prevent your plantains from getting ripe, put them inside a bowl of water or sprinkle water always on them or you put them in the fridge.
10. Wheat flour or corn flour can be used to thicken your soup like egusi soup and native soup, and sauces like curry sauce and shredded beef sauce.
11. Chicken is used best to cook sauces/stews, while goat meat is used best to cook soup.
12. Beans preservative: select and remove the dirt from beans,store the beans in a Jerry Can with cover or put the beans in a nylon and get a bucket with cover. This kitchen tips makes beans last and remain cool till the last seed finishes.
13. When boiling rice and it gets too soft due to much water, just put a slice of bread on it, it will absorb the water and normalise the rice.
14. If you don’t want to cry while cutting onion. Before you use d onion, peel the back and put in the fridge for 10 minutes then bring it out and use it.
15. Preserve your dry fish and crayfish inside freezer with a tight closed container.
16. Add salt to your cocoyam when it starts boiling to soften quickly.
17. Soak garlic in cold water for like a minute and use your hand to remove the back. It will come off easily.
18. To cut pepper with your hand, apply vegetable oil on your hand and cut the pepper you will not feel the effect.
19. To preserve your beans from weavils and likes, remove dirt’s from beans and store in a jerry can with cover or put the beans in a nylon and get a bucket with cover.The beans will last and remain cool till the seed finishes.
20. Wrap your unused fresh vegetables inside a paper could be newspaper then keep in the fridge.
21. If hot water or hot oil mistakingly pour on any part of your body just pour flour, salt or raw egg on it immediately. This kitchen tips will help prevent blisters from forming on your skin. (Your skin won’t peel or swell up).
To restore the original taste of your oil that had stayed for a long time, simply pour into a pot add water and boil on low heat till the water dries out. Your oil will taste as new as new.
22. Soak your beans for moi moi in hot water for about 10 mins and wash. It comes off easily.
23. To store your Ogiri, mix it with salt and put in a container. Your ogiri will stay for years without getting spoilt.
24. For smooth garri, blend or grind it before adding the hot water..
25. After making your garri cover it for 5 minutes before mixing. It makes it look smooth.
26. Use cold water to melt small of your Semovita before adding your hot water this will make the semo free from lumps.
27. Fry your curry leaf together with tomatoes.. That stew will be the sweetest.
28. If you want to enjoy ice fish, don’t boil it. Just wash and marinate, when you are ready to fry, slice onions in the oil and fry.
29. To save gas, blend ur tomatoes and drain the water with a sieve before frying it. That way, it takes little time and gas to cook.
31. If you want your beans to cook fast, after the first water drains, add a chopped onions into it and add water or make use of pressure pot.
32. Use egg shell or grounded garlic and salt to get rid of wall geckos .
33. Make crayfish the last ingredient you add to every meal. The taste of the meal is usually tasty.
34. When frying tomato for stew, to prevent it from burning, add dry pepper.
35. Put two or three orange leaves in your hot palm oil on the fire. Let the leaves turn black before removing it. By then your palm oil becomes pure groundnut oil also giving your food a nice taste.
36. To avoid feeling a peppering hotness on your hands after cutting pepper with bare hand scrub your hand with salt and red oil then wash it.
37. If you happen to over salt a pot of soup, just drop in a peeled potato. The potato will absorb the excess salt.
38. Never put citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, etc) or tomatoes in the fridge. The low temperature degrades the aroma and flavor of these fruits.
39. When storing empty airtight containers, throw in a pinch of salt to keep them from getting stinky.
40. If your salt is becoming lumpy, put a few grains of rice in with it to absorb excess moisture.
41. After opening liquid milk and you don’t want to use all, Peel the label and cover the opening and place it in a cup of water.
42. Boil unripe plantain with the back to extract the iron.
43. Convert your remaining white yam to porridge, fried yam or roasted yam – there shall be no waste.
44. Remove the tin tomatoes from the tin before preservation. The kitchen tip helps to avoid food poisoning. Thereafter, Just add groundnut oil to avoid spoilage.
45. To avoid your rice water from pouring onto the cooker when boiling (especially for the type of rice with plenty starch) add a little groundnut oil into the rice while boiling. Applying the above kitchen trick makes your pot remain clean after cooking.
46. Put a wooden spatula (the one popularly referred to as turning garri) over your pot when boiling tomatoes to stop it from pouring into your cooker.
47. When frying food, add a pinch of salt to the tomatoes in the pan, it will make them cook faster.
48. Never store Onions and Potatoes together because both produce a gas that causes either of them to spoil quickly.
49. Cover the pot when bringing water to a boil. There’s a reason we set the heat to high when bringing water to a boil. The faster water is able to heat up, the faster it will come to a boil.
50. After chopping food, use the dull end of a knife to scrape the contents from the work surface.