How To Process Sweet Potatoes To Flour Without a Dehydrator
How To Process Sweet Potatoes To Flour Without a Dehydrator

1. Peel your sweet potatoes
2. Wash your sweet potatoes thoroughly
3. Soak the sweet potatoes for five days inside water and be sure that the water is above it each day.
4. Change the water daily to prevent the water from smelling bad. Drain the water from the sweet potatoes and put in a fresh water every day.
NOTE: This process takes out the sweetness from the potatoes completely
5. On the fifth day, the potatoes will be soft. Drain the water from it and put all them inside a sack.
6. Use a big stone or any heavy object to apply pressure on the sack to completely drain the water or you can use a mortal, by placing it at the top of the sack to ensure that no water remains in the potatoes.
7. When the water is drained, Sun dry the sweet potatoes for days till it’s very dry or use dehydrator.
8. Take the potatoes to the engine and grind to smooth powder, dry grind, no water must be added
9. Sieve the potato flour using a muslin cloth.
10. This method of producing sweet potato flour can also be used to prepare yam flour, Amala, cassava flour, plantain flour etc
Uses of Sweet potatoes flour
1. It can be used in gluten-free baking, replacing or combining with other flours in recipes for bread, pastries, pancakes, and cookies.
2. It can be used to prepare swallow.
3. Sweet potato flour can act as a thickener for soups, sauces, and gravies.
4. It can be a nutritious addition to homemade baby food, providing natural sweetness and essential nutrients.
5. Useful in home-made protein or energy bars, enhancing flavor and nutrition.
6. You can add sweet potato flour to smoothies for extra fiber and nutrients.Useful in home-made protein or energy bars, enhancing flavor and nutrition.
Sweet Potatoes has a whole lots of Nutritional benefits to our health.