Easy Recipe: How To Prepare Delicious Homemade Popcorn In 5 Minutes (Step By Step)
Easy Recipe: How To Prepare Delicious Homemade Popcorn In 5 Minutes (Step By Step)

How To Prepare Delicious Homemade Popcorn In 5 Minutes (Step By Step)
Homemade Popcorn is easy to prepare. It can be done right inside your kitchen using your pot, stove or gas cooker. It is made up of grains of corn or maize which expands and pops when heated and in the process becomes large and light.
Homemade popcorns can be sweet, tasty, crunchy, salty, awesome and delicious. It derived its name from the noise it makes when frying.
Popcorn comes in two shapes, mushroom shape and butterfly shape. Mushroom shaped popcorn is round with a rough surface whereas butterfly shape popcorn has a very irregular shape with round bumps.
The type of corn used in making homemade popcorn is different from the regular corn we use in making pap(ogi, akamu), corn moi-moi. It is small in size and yellow in colour.
Here is the easy recipe you can follow to achieve a sweet and delicious homemade popcorn;
- 2 cups Corn
- 1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
- 1/4 cup Sugar or more
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 1/4 cup powdered milk
- 3 tablespoons Margarine
- 1 teaspoon vanilla or any flavour of your choice.
- Set a clean pot on fire and pour in the oil.
- Take three to four seeds of corn and put them into the pot and cover it.
- Allow it to pop, this is to set the right temperature.
- When they are popped, removed them and pour the rest of the corn into the pot and stir well.
- Remove from heat and place on a counter top for 30 seconds.
- After 30 seconds, place the pot back on heat and make sure its properly covered.
- Do not open until all the corns are popped and the popping stops.
- As the corns are popping, place the margarine, sugar and flavour in a sauce pan and melt, stirring well. Do not allow it to burn.
- When you can’t hear anyone popping sound again from the pot, take it off the heat.
- Pour in the melted sugar and butter mix and the powdered milk.
- Cover the pot back and shake vigorously to properly coat.
Some Common Questions Asked About Making Homemade Popcorns
Which type of corn can I use to Make Homemade Popcorns?
The type of corn used in popcorn making is usually yellow in colour and small in size. You can buy this type of corn from your local markets or super stores.
How Do I Know When My Oil Is Ready To Start Frying Popcorn?
You can achieve this by putting three to four seeds of corn in the pot, cover it and allow it to pop. When it starts popping, then the right temperature has been achieved. Go ahead and put the remaining corn bit by bit in smaller quantities and fry.
How Do I Know When It Is Ready?
When you can’t hear anyone popping sound again from the pot, take it off the heat.
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